Therefore, effective immediately, said Committee, consisting of PG&E' employees, participating Employees from the Lahontan Water Board and (so-called) experts, and a few residents (selected by PG&E) from Hinkley, CA, MUST Cease and Desist utilizing, for any whatsoever purposes, the taxpayers facility, the Hinkley Elementary School, without the Due Process of Law and without the vote by the majority taxpayers, Motions, Referendums and Legal Proceedings. The so-called / so-termed, "Community Advisory Committee", formed by Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E Corp. The Taxpayers, the People of Hinkley, California, allege that the sole purpose of such Committee and meetings, is to fraudulently brainwash, by laundered criminally tainted science, inclusive thereof that the Chromium 6 in the ground waters is naturally occurring.), hereinafter "PG&E", inclusive of Co-Defendants. It is established fact that PG&E has contaminated the town of Hinkley ground waters with Chromium 6, since 1952. WHEREAS, meetings by said Committee took place during 2011, without the consent from the China Electric Motorcycles majority taxpayers, town of Hinkley, California, the People, construed as illegal and the taxpayers demand that the California Attorney General commence Grand Jury investigation. James Dodd, Victoria Harper, Robert Myers, Jon Quass, Tim Silva, Joel Valenzuela, and Lester White Hinkley Elementary School, Dennis Hirsch Multipurpose Room, 37600 Hinkley Rd. - Attn: Community Advisory Committee Members: Dale Hunter, Bob Doss, PG&E' employee, Julie Clemmer, Robert Conaway, Esq., Hinkley, CA 92347, hereinafter the "Committee", are hereby placed on notice, effective immediately, that the People from the town of Hinkley, California, hereinafter the "People", will commence legal actions as a Plaintiff, either in a Class Action, and/or as a business entities, and/or individually, in the California Superior Court, not limited to the Federal District Court, inclusive of seeking Grand Jury Investigation by the California Attorney General, against Pacific Gas and Electric Co.
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